Kirjotan tästä reissusta nyt ainakin kolmessa osassa. Eläintarhassa oli niin paljon kaikkea hienoa ja söpöä mistä pitää laittaa kuvia ja Tussaudsiltakin tuli räpsittyä niitä jonkun verran, etten viitti tunkea kaikkea samaan kasaan.
It's rather boring to edit the pictures from Amsterdam and upload to Flickr. I managed to upload almost 40 pics and that's enough for now. Altogether there's almost 1500 pictures including all the blurry, noisy and derpy ones and sadly I'm not going to upload all of them. :---) I look especially derpy since it was super windy and a little rainy. So I didn't use any eyeliner during the last two days because then my face would've been a really ugly mess. :D

Here we're still in Finland. Eating some pizza while on our way to Helsinki. It was so good. :-D

This might be the only pic I took from our hotel room. The hotel was Europa 92 and our room was pretty nice. :D It just seemed rather small because there was one bed too much, but it was a good place to scatter all our things on. :--)

This is a really bad pic from breakfast and the point of the pic isn't the weird cheesy color of my hair. It's the cute cereal bowl! And the cereals were in cute little boxes and I think there were five different kinds of cereals you could choose from. There wasn't any bacon or scrambled eggs but still I was totally full after every breakfast. I don't know if it was because of the hot chocolate. :D

Sitten meiltä hajuvesikaupassa täti yhtäkkiä kysäisi näin: "Are you going to the gay parade?" Mentiin vähän hämilleen kun ei kuultu kunnolla ja ihmeteltiin että mikä paraati ja sitten se toisti ja kysyi lopulta että tiedetäänkö me että mikä on homo. :---D Juu tuli pienenä yllätyksenä, mutta siellä olikin sitten Pride sinä päivänä. :D
This one salesperson asked if we were going to see the gay parade. At first I didn't really hear what she said and I wondered what parade was it. She repeated and finally asked if we knew what a gay is. :---D It was a really nice surprise since I had no idea that there was going to be Amsterdam Pride during our stay. :D


This was definitely the best thing I saw during the whole day! It's so nice, the small boat and two old men. :D I was really happy to notice how the old people took part in the Pride as well since here in Finland the old people aren't all that tolerant.

Then we went shopping and it was so painful with our tired legs. After Kalverstraat we stopped to Dam square for a moment and then we walked back to our hotel. We hadn't yet realised how handy the trams would've been.

It was pretty late when we went to eat. We headed towards Hard Rock Cafe and stayed there even though we had to wait for an hour to get in. We could've eaten outside but it was really cold and I didn't have a jacket. But it was definitely worth the wait! The food was so good and the waitress was super nice. She reminded me of the kindness of the Brits. :D I can never stuff that kind of burger meals inside me but now I just had to. I couldn't leave more than some of the bun. :DD
Vihdoin! Seuraavassa osassa sitten tokaa päivää ja eläintarhan otuksia. :) Saa nähdä meneekö se sitten seuraavaan viikonloppuun.
Finally! The next part will be about the second day and the creatures of the zoo. :) We'll see if you'll have to wait until the next weekend.
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